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Selected Works

Disparatismo o cómo acabar con el arte (2019)

Title in English: Blood on Canvas
Duration: 45 minutes

Music by F. Hoyos-González
Libretto by G. Galo

M4 Music Theater Festival Maastricht

Pintor: Daniel Mosquera
Amante: Dean Parker
Crítico: Teodora Dozdik-Popovic
Merchante: Zaki Hagins

Percussion: Guillem Ruiz and Francesco Bellomo
Flauta: Kristupas Gikas
Viola: Monika Kiknadze
Piano: Felipe Hoyos González

Direction: Sybrand van der Werf
Conductor: Hae-Byul Kim
Production and Custome Design: Lobke Houkes

Production: Miriam Pascual. Conservatorium Maastricht. La Nueva Escena. European Opera Academy.


Melpómene, chamber opera in one act (2017)

Duration: 45 minutes

Melpomene: Ana Mora
Music by Felipe Hoyos-González
Libretto by G. Galo
Conductor: Felipe Hoyos-González
Piano: Juan Carlos de la Pava. Cello: Alexander Numpaque

A production by La Nueva Escena
Production: Oscar Aquite, Ronald Perilla, Felipe Hoyos-González
Stage Direction: Wendy Sánchez González, Sebastián Payán
Creative Direction: G. Galo
Production Design: Daniel Hoyos
Stage Assistant: Lorena Chávez
Costume Design: Guadalupe López
Costume Realization: Tata Arregoces. María Teresa Castro

Visual Design: Rafael Moncada
Video and photography: Luis Torrivilla

Audio Recording: Gabriela Jaimes Pinilla, Manuel Jaimes Gallego

ventalla, experimental short film (2021)

Production by La Nueva Escena


Direction: G. Galo.
Performer y coreography: Mateo Mejía Mejía.
Executive Production: Felipe Hoyos-González.
Asistant Production: Ronald Perilla.
Cinematography: Sergio Pineda.
Music: Felipe Hoyos-González.
Text: Sosei, Ki no Tsurayuki, Xavier de Maistre.
Sound mix and music mix: Ernesto Cantillo.

Art Direction: J. Daniel Hoyos Isaza
Assitant Art Direction: Erwin Hoyos González.
Editing: Francesca Bocaranda.
Graphic Design: Rafael Moncada.
Translation of text into Englishs: Andrés Ametrano

Arq. Camilo Monroy
Veta Tecnologia en Maderas S.A
Gabriel Landaeta
Adra Casa Corporal

Recorded on Canon EOS R, 24-105mm F4.


Videl (2017)

Production by DNX Films

Music nominated to BEST SOUNDTRACK at the ONIROS FILMS AWARDS 2017

Directed By Jorge Ospina
Original SoundTrack by Felipe Hoyos-González
Recording and Mixing by Ernesto Cantillo,
Milo Marthe and Daniela Perea
Voice: Rocio Quintero

Forever Alice (2014)

Production by DNX Films

Directed By Jorge Ospina
Original SoundTrack by Felipe Hoyos-González
Recording and Mixing by Ernesto Cantillo
Conductor: Stefano Boccacci. Violin 1: Camilo Trujillo. Violin 2: Victor Díaz. Viola: Sharon Avella. Cello: Viviana Pinzón


Ghost Story (2024)
Libretto by Trip Venturella
Chamber orchestra and electronics (live and fixed media). 3 characters: lyric soprano (2), mezzo-soprano
Composed to complete the requirements to obtain graduation in Doctor of Musical Arts
• Expected premier: April 2025

Disparatismo, o cómo acabar con el arte (English title: Blood on Canvas) (2019)
Libretto by G. Galo
Co-produced by Conservatorium Maastricht, European Opera Academy and La Nueva Escena
Theater direction by Sybrand van der Werf
Flute, viola, percussion (2). 4 characters: mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone, bass-baritone
Composed to complete the requirements to obtain graduation in Master in Music by Conservatorium Maastricht
• June 20th and 39th, 2019, Maastricht, NL. M4 Maastricht Music Festival. Premiered by Daniel Mosquera (bar), Teodora Drozdik-Popovic (mez), Dean Parker (ten), Zaki Hagins (bassbar), Hae-Byul Kim (con)

Melpómene, lyric drama in one act (2017)
Libretto by G. Galo
Produced by La Nueva Escena
General Production: F. Hoyos-González. Artistic Direction: G. Galo. Production design: Daniel Hoyos Isaza. Executive production: Ronald Perilla and Oscar Aquite
Mezzo-soprano, cello and piano
• August 4th, 2017, Bogota, Colombia. Aula Múltiple, Gerardo Arango Art Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Premiered by Ana Mora (mez), Alex Numpaque (vlc), Juan de la Pava (pf), Felipe Hoyos-González (cond).
• August 5th, 2017. Bogota, Colombia. Mario Laserna Auditorium, Los Andes University. Premiered by Ana Mora (mez), Alex Numpaque (vlc), Juan de la Pava (pf), Felipe Hoyos-González (cond)


Large Ensemble

Tempo Cumbé (2016)
Orchestra. 1(picc.) – – percussion (4) – strings
Composed to complete the requirements to obtain the graduation in Bacherlor of Music
• September 2nd, 2016. Julio Mario Santo Domingo Theater. Premiered by Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra, Conrad van Alphen (cond)
• September 3rd, 2016. Leon de Greiff Auditorium. Performed by Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra, Conrad van Alphen (cond)


Electronic and Electro-Acoustic

…It’s Falling Apart (2023-24)
Guitar and electronics
• Commissioned by Xavier Davenport
• March 18th, 2024, Champaign, IL. Smith Memorial Room, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Premiered by Xavier Davenport

Toccata Moderata do Timbre de la Porta Principale (2022-23)
Soprano and electronics
• Composed for the soprano Emily Venturella
• First piece of the Huitaca Ensemble (Venturella and Hoyos-González)
• April 29th, 2023, Champaign, IL. Music Building Auditorium, Experimental Music Studios Concert. Premiered by Huitaca Ensemble
• March 2nd, 2024, Romeoville, IL. Philip Lynch Theatre, Lewis University. Electronic Music Midwest Festival. Performed by Huitaca Ensemble
• April 13th, 2024, Champaign, IL. Smith Memorial Room, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Performed by Huitaca Ensemble

Memory (from ventalla) (2021)
Fixed media
• Composed as part of the experimental film ventalla
• December 2nd, 2022, Champaign, IL. Music Building Auditorium, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Music from the Experimental Music Studios
• April 4th, 2023, New York, NY. Bobst Immersion Room, NYU. SEAMUS Conference 2023



Sursum Corda (2024)
Documentary by G. Galo
Original music by F. Hoyos-González

Ventalla, opera for voice and body (2021)
Experimental film by G. Galo.
Produced by La Nueva Escena
Executive production and original music by F. Hoyos-González
Nomination: Best Experimental Film (XIX BOGOSHORTS, 2021)

The Awakening of the Fairies (2018)
Short film by Monica Mendoza
Produced by People on the News
Original music by F. Hoyos-González

Videl (2017)
Fiction film by Jorge Ospina
Produced by DNX Films
Original music by F. Hoyos-González
Nomination: Best Original Soundtrack, ONIROS Films Awards (Italy, 2019)

Por Siempre Alicia (2014)
Fiction film by Jorge Ospina
Produced by DNX Films
Original music by F. Hoyos-González


Art Installations

INSIDE, a panorama of axiety (2018)
Violin and cello
• Art installation by the artist Celine Daemen

• Music by Felipe Hoyos-González

•November 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th, 2020, Dresden, GR. Fast Forward Staatschuspiel Dresden.
•May 26th, 28th and 29th, 2018, Maastricht, NL. Toneelacademie


Chamber Music and Solo Instruments (acoustic)

Pale Suns (2024)
Flute, saxophone and piano
• Commissioned by Payadora Trio. Maddison Booth (fl), Matthew Storie (sax), Carmen Quesada (pf)
• Expected premiere: Fall 2024

…and Adolfo was late to the ball (2023. Revised version: 2024)
String quartet
• Commissioned by the Chamber Music Commission project at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
• December 4th, 2023, Champaign, IL. Smith Recital Hall: Premiered by Pyunghwa Choi (vln1), Dante Freund (vln2), Jace Kim (vla), Maxwell Schultz (vlc)
• December 6th, 2023, Champaign IL. Smith Memorial Room: Performed by Pyunghwa Choi (vln1), Dante Freund (vln2), Jace Kim (vla), Maxwell Schultz (vlc)

Preludio y Bambuquito (2020)
Woodwin quintet
• Commissioned by Harmonie Saint Cecilie (Netherlands)
• Premiered cancelled due to pandemic related issues

Clarinet Prelude (2020)
Clarinet ensemble (5)
• Commissioned by Harmonie Saint Cecilie (Netherlands)
• Premiered cancelled due to pandemic related issues

Abyss (2019)
• Commissioned by Klass Ramerie.
• May 5th, 2019, Maastricht, NL. Saint Pieters Church. Premiered by Klass Ramerie (org)
• September 17th, Maastricht, NL. Festival Musica Sacra Maastricht: Performed Luciano Meloni (org)

Haiku (2018)
Harp and tenor
• Commissioned by Meloduo Ensemble. Olga Benites (hp), Dean Parker (ten)
• April 13th, 2018, Maastricht, NL: Premier at Museum of Natural History during Museum Nacht Maastricht. Meloduo Ensemble

Dialogues for cello (2018)
• Commissioned by Diego Hernandez
• March 18th, 2018, Roermond, NL. Cuypershuis: Premiered by Diego Hernandez (vlc)

Dialogues for violin (2018)
• Commissioned by Mimi Jung
• January 27th, 2018, Maastricht, NL. Conservatorium Maastricht: Premiered at Night of Classical Music by Mimi Jung (vln)
• March 18th, 2018, Roermong, NL. Cuypershuis: Performed by Mimi Jung (vln)

Opúsculo a la Noche (2015)
Voice and piano
• Commissioned by Ana Mora
• October 21st, 2015, Bogotá, Colombia. Aula Múltiple, Gerardo Arango Art Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana: Premiered by Ana Mora (mez), Laura Galindo (pf)
• June 23rd, 2016, Bogotá, Colombia. Luis Ángel Arango Concert Hall: Performed by Ana Mora (mez), Felipe Calle (pf)
• November 9th, 2016, Bogota, Colombia. Luis Angel Arango Concert Hall (The New Bill Ceremony): Performed by Ana Mora (mez), Felipe Calle (pf)
• April 2nd, 2017, Madrid, Spain. Fundación Juan March: European premier by Pablo Martinez (ten), Karla Martinez (pf)
• April 3rd, 2017, Madrid, Spain: Performed at Fundación Juan March. Pablo Martinez (ten), Karla Martinez (pf)
• June 8th, 2022, Cúcuta, Colombia: Performed during the Colombia Tour 2022 Betty Garcés (sop), Antonia Valente (pf)
• June 10th, 2022, Medellin, Colombia: Performed during the Colombia Tour 2022 Betty Garcés (sop), Antonia Valente (pf)
• June 12th, 2022, Bogota, Colombia: Performed during the Colombia Tour 2022 Betty Garcés (sop), Antonia Valente (pf)

Opúsculo Caribeño (2015)
String orchestra
• Commissioned by conductor Stefano Boccacci
• May 5th, 2016, Tunja, Colombia. San Ignacio Sanctuary: Premiered by Tutta Forza Chamber Orchestra, Stefano Boccacci (cond)
• June 30th, 2016, Bogota, Colombia. Luis Angel Arango Concert Hall: Performed by Tutta Forza Chamber Orchestra, Stefano Boccacci (cond)
• April 30th, 2017, Bogota, Colombia. Teresa Cuervo Auditorium, National Museum: Performed by Philharmonic Youth Chamber Orchestra, Leonardo Federico Hoyos (cond)
• January 8th, 2019, Cartagena, Colombia. Cartagena Convention Center. Performed by Medellin Philharmonic Orchestra, Leonardo Federico Hoyos (cond)
• July 25th, 2021, Bogotá, Colombia. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá. Performed by Philharmonic Youth Chamber Orchestra, Leonardo Federico Hoyos (cond)

Cantos para Soprano (2015)
Soprano and piano
• October 21st, 2015, Bogota, Colombia. Aula Múltiple, Gerardo Arango Art Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Premiered by Carolina Plata (sop), Laura Galindo (pf)
• June 16th, 2016, Bogota, Colombia. Luis Angel Arango Concert Hall. Performed by Sasha Gutierrez (sop), Daniel Muñoz (pf)
• June 23rd, 2016, Pasto, Colombia. Leopoldo Lopez Alvares Cultural Center. Performed by Sasha Gutierrez (sop), Daniel Muñoz (pf)

Cumbé (2013)
Percussion sets (3)
• October 12th, 2015. Aula Múltiple, Gerardo Arango Art Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Suite Modal (2011)
• March 2012. Premiered during Composition Students Concert at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Felipe Hoyos-González (pf)
• October 21st, 2015. Aula Múltiple, Gerardo Arango Art Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Performed by Laura Galindo (pf)
• October 31st, 2017. Conservatorium Maastricht. European premier by Felipe Hoyos-González (pf)



Lux Aeterna (2011)
Mixed Choir
• Commissioned by Leonardo Palacios and Nova Vox Choir.
• May 12th, 2012, Bogota, Colombia. Auditorium Fabio Lozano, Universidad Tadeo Lozano. Premiered by Leonardo Palacios (cond) and Nova Vox Choir. Soloists: Sasha Gutiérrez and Ana Mora


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